The reverse
type illustrated above was minted in great numbers for
This type
was imitated extensively in the I
, I
I et cetera. Of course, this too, is not a rule.
2.69g/17.4mm; Right: 2.07g/17.2mm
Illustrated above are some typical Laetae imitations with a helmeted, laureate and cuirassed bust right.
Left: 2.68g/19mm; r: 2.86g/18.5mm
These two coins, using a DVDV-type legend, use the helmeted and cuirassed bust r. The legends of both obverse and reverse use sequences of V’s and D’s. The resemblance of style and the use of this particular type of legend blundering leads me to think they are from the same unofficial mint.
2.42g/18mm; r: 2.32g/16.5mm
The original
Laetae type was minted with many different bust types. This means the
imitations occasionally have some of the rarer busts. Like these two coins,
imitating the helmeted and cuirassed bust with a high crested helmet,
shouldered spear and shield on left arm. The shield design on the reverse of
the left hand coin resembles a christogram (instead of the letters VOT PR), but
I doubt that was intentional.
This coin, with a typical VVVV-obverse legend, has a beautiful profile eye, which results in a quite exotic design.
Ex De Wit collection
This coin is out of the ordinary because
it has relatively legible legends. The obverse has IMP COIISTANTINIS PF
ΛVC. The reverse legend is more garbled, but some parts of the prototype’s
VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP can be found – for example PRINC starting at 1
o’clock. Also, it has a neat I
-mintmark with retrograde S’es.
Barbarous imitations of Siscia mint prototypes vastly
outnumber imitations of the products of other mints – although this type was
minted extensively in the western provinces. The coin above has a clear PLN
mint mark, with a retrograde L, indicating that the prototype was from the
London mint. The style of this coin is quite different from the typical
imitative coins of this reverse type, and the legends are entirely legible.
As mentioned above, the obverse legends
of this group of imitations are usually so garbled, that it is not possible to
identify the ruler. I, with a retrograde S.
The obverse legend of this rather special
coin – VICINI…VN NOB C – indicates that a very rare Licinius II coin was used
as a prototype. The legend LICINIVS IVN NOB C appears at the
Finally, this coin is atypical on this
page: as it imitates a western issue of the Laetae-type it is probably a
western imitation, as opposed to the